\ufeff \ufeffSelect two variables that may have association with Hb \ufeff Hint: This is a real data and relationships may appear different from standard textbook patterns.
a \ufeffJustify your choice using dplyror baseR tools \ufeffShow your working in R \ufeffcode and any output you produce in support of your argument. Marks
b \ufeffUse your investigation in QC a \ufeffto replace all missing values in the variable Hb \ufeffShow your code. Please do not use any automatic imputation package or routines such as Hmisc. Marks
c \ufeffPresent a comparison \ufeffwith discussion \ufeffbetween the two types of imputation in the context of variable Hb \ufeffHint: You may use appropriate proximity andor visualisation tools learned in topics of Weeks \ufefffor comparison.
Below is excel file data bowel.csvfile name
ID Ageadmission Sex Diseaseduration FC CRP Alb Hb Colectomy IFXpre IFXadmission
arison. Marks